Well, since my blog is about living in Mexico and we are still in Canada I don't have too much to update on, but just in case anyone want's to know, here is what has been going on with us!
This week, while my aunt is in Cancun, Len and I have been taken care of her house/teenagers which meant are new years eve plans were nothing too exciting. We had a movie marathon, and some wine. It was nice, but not very exciting. It was a good night, nonetheless. We have also been getting ready to leave. This means all the last minute details, buying last minute things, etc!
Once we get to Cancun, my family and Len's family will meet for the first time.. we are both very nervous! Both families have been waiting a long time to meet each other, and since my family was going to be in Cancun for the next two weeks, we arranged dinner! Hopefully it goes well, everyone wish us luck!
Next Monday, after we get to Cancun we will be taking part in a week of very touristic outings. We will be going to One of Cancun's famous Cenotes, (If anyone has any recommendations please let me know!)
One of the many Cenotes in Cancun! |
We will also be spending a few days at the beautiful Royal Caribbean, one of my favourite and in my opinion most beautiful resorts in all of Cancun where we will relax and enjoy being especially close to the beach with my family before they return to Canada!
The Royal Caribbean! |
Finally, next week we will also be visiting one of my favourite places in the world, Xaret! For those of your that don't know what Xaret is and interested in learning more
Click here! Xaret is a beautiful tourist park which displays Cancun's diversity in wildlife and it's cultural heritage. It is unbelievable, and a must visit for anyone in visiting Cancun.
I will be giving a full review of everything I do next week, but for now, I must continue doing my errands in the -16 degrees (yikes!) weather! All I can say is, I am ready for Cancun!